Tutorial: Create a Brick Breaker Game in AS2

Written By MrSun at 8:00 am - Saturday, January 10th, 2009
Categories: Beginner Tutorials, Flash

Step 1: Coding Paddle Movement

Alright, I’ve decided to make a tutorial for you guys on how to create a brick breaker game in ActionScript 2.0. It’ll be very similar to my one for AS3, except coded differently. So, here we go, eh?

First of all, we’re going to make the background of the stage black, simply because it looks better, and we’re going to set the frame rate to 24. Then, we’re going to draw the paddle and we’re going to convert it into a MovieClip.

Mine is 55×10

Next, we’re going to give the paddle an instance name, mcPaddle. The instance name is case sensitive, so type it exactly the way I did.

Now, we get into some basic ActionScript. Create a new layer named “actions” where all of your code will go in. Next, type in this code:

onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
	//The paddle follows the mouse
	mcPaddle._x = _xmouse;

Hopefully, I’ve explained enough in the comments for you to get an idea of what the code does. If you test the movie, you might see a few problems. First of all, the paddle is not centered with the mouse, but is left aligned with it. This is easy to fix. Just replace:

mcPaddle._x = _xmouse;


mcPaddle._x = _xmouse - mcPaddle._width*.5;

This code basically makes it so instead of using the paddle’s _x value, which is the left side of the paddle, it uses the middle of the paddle instead to follow the mouse.

Another problem with this code is that the paddle sometimes runs off stage. We don’t want this, it annoys the user. So, we’re going to add the following code to the onEnterFrame function.

//If the mouse goes off too far to the left
if(_xmouse < mcPaddle._width / 2){
	//Keep the paddle on stage
	mcPaddle._x = 0;
//If the mouse goes off too far to the right
if(_xmouse > Stage.width - mcPaddle._width / 2){
	//Keep the paddle on stage
	mcPaddle._x = Stage.width - mcPaddle._width;

This code will keep your paddle in bounds, no matter how large the stage is or how wide your paddle is. I’m leaving the explanation of the code up to you to figure out yourself. After all, you can never become a real programmer if you just copy and paste the code without any idea of what it means.

And now I conclude part one of this tutorial with the final code you should have in your file with an example of what mine looks like.

onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
	//The paddle follows the mouse
	mcPaddle._x = _xmouse - mcPaddle._width*.5;
	//If the mouse goes off too far to the left
	if(_xmouse < mcPaddle._width / 2){
		//Keep the paddle on stage
		mcPaddle._x = 0;
	//If the mouse goes off too far to the right
	if(_xmouse > Stage.width - mcPaddle._width / 2){
		//Keep the paddle on stage
		mcPaddle._x = Stage.width - mcPaddle._width;

Source .fla File


Tutorials Room:

Good Tutorial! It was chosen for the home page of http://www.tutorialsroom.com
Waiting for your next tutorial 🙂


Tutorial added!



is my movie suppost to look like your when im done copying the code because it doesnt movie im using flash mx is that the problem


not working in flash mx, why?


The problem probably isn’t that you’re using flash mx.


ok…i am a total boom. i cannot even change the background color! omg…


ok.. i did it.. now how to get the code into the actions layer?


Code isnt Working..Paddle Movement


This coding does not work in mx 2004. And it’s very aggravating. Is there anyway to fix it? The paddle just won’t stay on the stage.

eriq xpyonedge:

hi, i like this tutorial so much….
to anonymous, i think u should change ur flash to Flash8..
im looking forward to make a game!!!


Hi, i followed what you’ve said to knowledge, but my mcPaddle doesn’t move.

I have these errors;

Discription; Statement block must be terminated by ‘}’
Source; if(_xmouse > Stage.width – mcPaddle._width / 2){

Discription; Syntax error.
Source; N/A

Discription; Statement block must be terminated by ‘}’
Source; onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame

Discription; Syntax error.
Source; N/A

New to flash, so don’t really knpw what this means.




use this:
if(_xmouse > Stage.width – mcPaddle._width/2){
code goes here
don’t for get the other brace to tell flash that the if statement is over.

oh, and to the author:
instead of that code to center the paddle w/ the mouse, you can just set the registration point of the paddle to the center when you create it.


I have flash 8 and no matter what I do to the code the paddle refuses to stay on the stage


I have CS4 and I can’t even get the first peace of code to work this is the error I keep getting.

Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler

and thats for line one.

just anwser the quote:

is this correct:
onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
//The paddle follows the mouse
mcPaddle._x = _xmouse – mcPaddle._width*.5;

//If the mouse goes off too far to the left
if(_xmouse Stage.width – mcPaddle._width / 2){
//Keep the paddle on stage
mcPaddle._x = Stage.width – mcPaddle._width;
coz if it is nothing happens anybody know why?


Nice article! Thank you very much. I am learning AS3 know….


i like this tutorial
i record the steps as a video in Youtube
i hope it will be helpful


I get this error!
**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 1: Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler
onEnterFrame = function(){

Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1


Try separating the comment on it’s own line of code. Sometimes code and comments don’t mix well.

onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
anything after // is a comment.

it should look like this:
onEnterFrame = function(){
//this function will run during every single frame

Try that.



A made my program following the instructions, but the paddle does not move. And then I downloaded the source file and the paddle moves.
I compared everything but did not find any differences.

What could be the reason for this?

Thank you for your help.


I know what could be a problem when the paddle does not move.

I slipped over the task that I have to give a name to the paddle instance as well. And the tutorial would be clearer if the symbol’s name won’t be the same as the instance name!
I gave a name to the instance paddle and it worked fine!

Thank you for this tutorial.
I continue to build my game! :—-)


i’ve had the problem were the paddle goes off the screen too far to the left and doesnt go far enough to the right but i fixed it, if anyone els has this problem, feel free to use this code i used but according to the size of you’re paddle you may need to adjust it here’s the code i used enjoy =D

onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
//The paddle follows the mouse
mcPaddle._x = _xmouse – mcPaddle._width*.5;

//If the mouse goes off too far to the left
if(_xmouse Stage.width – mcPaddle._width / 2){
//Keep the paddle on stage
mcPaddle._x = 590 – mcPaddle._width;


it seems i was missing halve of my code for some reason???? here’s the whole for those of you that need it

onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
//The paddle follows the mouse
mcPaddle._x = _xmouse – mcPaddle._width*.5;

//If the mouse goes off too far to the left
if(_xmouse Stage.width – mcPaddle._width / 2){
//Keep the paddle on stage
mcPaddle._x = 590 – mcPaddle._width;


onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
//The paddle follows the mouse
mcPaddle._x = _xmouse – mcPaddle._width*.5;

//If the mouse goes off too far to the left
if(_xmouse Stage.width – mcPaddle._width / 2){
//Keep the paddle on stage
mcPaddle._x = 590 – mcPaddle._width;


Very Nice script thx Guys!


ok i cant get this to work i put in all the code and i tested it and the paddle stayed in place. please help!

here is what i put in actions layer

onEnterFrame = function(){ //this function will run during every single frame
//The paddle follows the mouse
mcPaddle._x = _xmouse – mcPaddle._width*.5;

//If the mouse goes off too far to the left
if(_xmouse Stage.width – mcPaddle._width / 2){
//Keep the paddle on stage
mcPaddle._x = Stage.width – mcPaddle._width;


I’m using mx 2004 and the paddle won’t budge an inch. :/

help please?

Flash Game Development Tutorials & FLA Files:

[…] How to Create a Brick Breaker Game in AS2 […]

Sergio Hurtado-Villanueva:

Can you make these programs in Flash MX 2004? I want to make a game like this.


wierd.. im a noobie with flash i just started to play with it and it says that my script is correct but when i press play movie of play scene it doesnt work.. Or do i need to press something else?


This does not work in CS4 AT ALL.
